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Figure Barbie Girl Valeria Lukyanova
Valeria Lukyanova (Ukraine: Валерія Лук'янова) is a model of Ukraine. He was famous for being the man himself proclaimed Barbie. A report stated "He has a big glassy eyes, small waist, straight platinum blonde hair and big breasts. He did not have the exact measurements of the famous girl from Mattel, but in the real world, he comes as close as you can get." Lukyanova Valeria became a sensation on YouTube. 21-year-old woman from Russia has a face and body shape like a barbie doll. Barbie doll into a major toy among girls. They even dreamed of having a life and a face like a plastic doll
Valeria Lukyanova later became an internet sensation. She has a face and body that closely resembles a barbie doll. His body was 'perfect' in your face and hair that looked like real barbie doll in real life. In one video uploaded on Youtube, there is a scene where Valeria Lukyanova visiting surgeon and get a body like Barbie. But not all Internet users will believe the authenticity of the body of Valeria Lukyanova. Because he is really the 'perfect' Like a barbie doll. Call it a matter of her body. He has a very small waist and large breasts. But on his Facebook page, the pictures are almost dominated by the image is uploaded.
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