Just Another Way To Life

Building Self Esteem In Easy Steps

Many people feel they are not accepted in their community because they view themselves as second rate.

When faced with new and unfamiliar tasks or situations do you suffer a bit of an anxiety attack?

This is a strong indication that your self confidence is low and you could be troubled from low self-esteem. The answer is in your hands as the best cure for this is self help, here's how you can build self esteem?

Accept and recognize who you are, stop comparing apples and pears. STOP! Just consider all the good you have done for others in your life, when you recognize your achievements you will increase your confidence and build your self esteem. Anxiety attacks will quickly start to disappear with your new found self confidence. Don't put yourself down, stop putting failure tags on your forehead the greatest self help is inside your mind.

Another way to build self esteem is to stop being an island. Everybody has faults, no one person is perfect so you are just the same as everyone else reach out to them with the hand of friendship suddenly your low self esteem will be forgotten.

You are important and just like any other important person you need YOU time to gain from your self help programme toward self development. Out of millions one sperm contained everything about you, from the colour of your eyes and hair to the texture of your skin, that sperm proved you are a winner. You are a winner and when you look into your mirror every day and recall all the good you have done for others , no matter how small a thing, you will discover a new sense of self development and self confidence.

If you really want to get rid of your low self-esteem then you have to get rid of destructive addictions in your life. You are not just sabotaging your health you are sabotaging your self confidence and self esteem. Building self esteem involves looking at the whole you and removing negative features replacing them with positive benefits. Give yourself small rewards for every negative thing you replace with a positive no matter how small it is the best way to increase your self esteem and self confidence.

Vital lesson - learn to accept compliments it is not only good for your self esteem but also for the self esteem of the giver who feels good by thanking you. Don't be ingratiating but accept compliments as they are given and store them up in your mind feeding your self confidence and self esteem. The greatest self help tool available to you is in the printed word. Reading self help books will motivate you to accept the truth about yourself in that you are a worthy person and have many achievements in your inner mind to draw on whenever they are needed to give you a lift. Increase confidence by reading biographies of some of the greats a collection of these books can be found free of charge below this article.

Accept it as a learning curve. If you decide to do something today to make tomorrow better for you and your loved ones that action will have a tremendous impact on building your self esteem and self confidence. Start small with modest tasks for those around you, make yourself worthwhile to others, as you do your self esteem and self confidence will magnify and it is all through you exercising self help to defeat youranxiety attacks determine that no more will you suffer from low self esteem, you will never be pompous of self inflated but you will be able to say;

I am useful; I am true; I am somebody; I am as good as you.


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